South Florida Electric Consultant’s safety culture is what helps set us apart from our competitors. A critical aspect of SFEC’s success is maintaining a safe work environment based on teamwork and peer checks. Every day we work to improve our adherence to industry safety standards. We do this by:
- Maintaining a mindset that all of our work can and will be completed in a safe manner.
- Establishing an expectation that employees, as industry professionals, identify hazards and place adequate barriers to ensure safe completion of each task.
- Establishing Strategic Initiatives that continually drive our performance.
Several years of SFEC Experience Modification Rates [EMR] depicted below reveal how our strong safety culture has historically paid off. EMR is determined by our insurers as their educated calculation of SFEC’s future risk potential. Our consistent low rates predict continued success.
As our workforce grows, we take the initiative to ensure the SFEC culture is communicated to our new employees.
- Our New Hire Orientation program shares our cultural expectations.
- Our Green Hard Hat program identifies new workers so our experienced employees mentor them during their initiation to our culture.
- Our Operating Fundamentals are the basis for error-free performance.
- Our implementation of the Human Performance Tools equips workers for success.
Every successful job begins with a safe work plan. Our work plans are formulated long before the crew arrives on the jobsite. We have an extensive staff of experienced and knowledgeable Project Managers executing and overseeing our projects.
Our job planning involves:- Job Briefs / Hazard Analysis prior to starting each day, at midday and when conditions change.
- Every member of the crew; all visitors to the work zone are briefed and sign in to the job brief.
In 2015, we developed an improved job brief intended to generate more discussion. This revision allows crew members to communicate, identify and share potential risk factors with more ease and clarity. As a safety leader within the industry, we plan to continually develop our procedures in the name of performance improvement.
We conduct documented audits to evaluate our compliance to industry and SFEC safety rules. All levels of our organization are expected to be involved in the success of this program. Everyone from Foremen to Executives visit jobsites in order to determine how we are performing. We often utilize a team approach toward auditing and ask our peers to provide a second set of eyes. The results of these visits are shared with not only the crew, but their supervisors. Our intent is to use these experiences to build on existing culture and improve our performance.
We have a robust staff of SFEC Safety Professionals that are an integral aspect of the team. Safety Professionals are assigned to each business unit and the geographical areas SFEC services. Our safety team has the background and education to ensure employee concerns are considered.